Breast Lift
Drooping or sagging breasts can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. The Landings Surgical Centre can help.
A breast lift (mastopexy) can improve the perkiness and firmness of the breasts, leading to a rejuvenated appearance.
Patients come to our Halifax, Nova Scotia, practice for this procedure because our board-certified surgeons use advanced techniques.

Both plastic surgeons at the Landings Surgical Centre are board-certified and have more than 25 years of experience.
Are You Interested in Breast Lift Surgery? Contact Our Plastic Surgeons to Learn More
If you have breasts that droop or are uneven, breast lift surgery may be right for you. Drs. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau have helped many patients throughout Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island achieve their cosmetic goals.
Both plastic surgeons at the Landings Surgical Centre are board-certified and have more than 25 years of experience. Their training and knowledge in plastic surgery helps them tailor each breast lift, breast augmentation, and breast reduction to the needs of the patient while achieving results that look natural.
To learn more about breast lift surgery, contact our practice online. You can also reach our office in Halifax by phone.
Call Our Plastic Surgeons Today
(902) 492-2007

Dr. Bendor-Samuel served as President of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery from 2018 to 2019.
How Much Does a
Breast Lift Cost?
The cost of a breast lift varies based on the patient's needs and the surgical technique used. For example, the price of traditional breast lift surgery will probably be less than the price of combining breast augmentation and a lift. We can provide a price breakdown during your consultation at our Halifax practice. We offer financing through Credit Medical and MediCredit, and keep our procedures competitively priced for the Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island area.
The Breast Lift Procedure What to Expect During Surgery
If you have breasts that droop or are uneven, breast lift surgery may be right for you.
Our Halifax Location Is Elite
The Landings Surgical Centre opened in 2005 as the first plastic surgery facility in all of Halifax, NS. All of our plastic surgeries are performed at this surgical centre instead of at a hospital, giving patients top-notch care with added amenities. Our location has its own procedure room, multiple surgical suites, a fully-equipped operating theatre, and a two-bed post-anesthetic care area.
Fill Out Your Forms So Our Surgeons Can Begin Planning
Our surgeons take into account every aspect of a patient's medical history when recommending, planning, and executing personalized plastic surgery procedures. Our Registration Form and Aesthetic Medical History Form are an important step in this process.
Filling these forms out from the comfort of your home has two key benefits. One, it eliminates the need to complete these documents in our Halifax office, streamlining your appointment. Two, filling these out now lets our surgeons review your information ahead of your visit, allowing for more customized care from the start.
Is Getting a
Breast Lift Painful?
During breast lift surgery, general anesthesia and local anesthesia are used to prevent pain. After breast lift surgery, patients may experience moderate discomfort, but it can be managed with the use of pain relievers and by following our instructions for post-operative care.
Breast Lift Recovery
The Healing Process
Following breast lift surgery, you will experience some swelling and irritation. You can minimize these effects by wearing a compression garment, taking mild pain medications, and following all post-operative instructions.
You should plan to take at least two weeks off from work, and should avoid strenuous physical activities for about one month. There should be an immediate improvement in your appearance, though you may not notice the full results of your breast lift for several months after the procedure.
Follow-Up Visits
You will return to our Halifax, Nova Scotia practice multiple times after your mastopexy so we can monitor your progress. Be sure to attend all of these visits as scheduled.

Breast Lifts and Scarring
Scars are common after any plastic surgery procedure. Our surgeons work to minimize the size and prominence of breast lift incisions. With time and proper healing, mastopexy scars will fade considerably. Keep in mind that these scars can be easily concealed by many tops, undergarments, and bathing suits.
During your initial visit, we can discuss your cosmetic goals. After examining your breast tissue, we can determine if you're a good candidate for a breast lift, or if a breast augmentation or breast reduction is more appropriate.