The Landings Surgical Centre

Breast Lift Scars: What to Expect After Surgery

Oct 23, 2021 @ 08:29 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Lift Scars

Changes in weight, pregnancy, breast feeding, and age can all cause the breasts to sag, making some women feel less happy with the appearance of their breasts. A breast lift can rejuvenate the breasts so they appear firmer and more youthful. 

As with any surgery, scars are inevitable after breast lift surgery. However, at The Landings Surgical Centre, Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau take great care to minimize the appearance of breast lift scars for patients throughout Halifax, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and surrounding areas. 

Although scars are kept discreet, our doctors would like to take a moment to consider what to expect with scarring after breast lift surgery. 

Surgical Technique and Breast Lift Scars 

There are several different surgical techniques that may be used to perform a breast lift, or mastopexy. As a result, the size and location of scars after surgery largely depends on the type of technique that was used. For example: 

What Do Breast Lift Scars Look Like?

Although care is taken to make the incisions used in breast lifts as discreet as possible, patients should expect some visible scarring. The extent and appearance of scars will vary depending on the type of technique used as well as patient history with scarring. 

With that said, breast lift scars tend to be very thin but appear red and sometimes raised in the initial recovery. Over time, scars tend to fade. Eventually, they will fade out and flatten.   

Minimizing the Appearance of Scars

Practicing required and recommended aftercare following breast lift surgery can help further minimize scars and encourage healing. 

Avoid exposing scars to direct sunlight as sun exposure can darken scars. Sunscreen should be applied to areas of the breast that may be exposed to the sun whenever outside. 

Scar gels or ointments, like topical vitamin E creams, may also be beneficial to fading scars and massaging scars may also help improve scar texture. 

Schedule a Consultation with Our Doctors

A breast lift can help rejuvenate the bustline and boost confidence. If you are interested in a breast lift or would like more information about breast lift surgery, please call (902) 492-2007 to schedule a consultation at The Landings Surgical Centre.