The Landings Surgical Centre

What You Should Know about Recovering from a Mommy Makeover

Jul 31, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Mommy Makeover Breast Augmentation Tummy Tuck Liposuction

At The Landings Surgical Centre, Drs. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau have helped many mothers regain their pre-pregnancy figures by combining and customizing plastic surgery procedures in fully personalized mommy makeover treatment plans. Mommy makeover plans comprise whatever combination of procedures the specific individual requires to achieve her unique needs and goals. Commonly combined procedures include abdominoplasty (popularly known as tummy tuck surgery), liposuction, thigh lift, breast lift (with or without breast implants), arm lift, and injectable treatments for facial rejuvenation.

If you choose to undergo a mommy makeover, your treatment plan will be entirely unique to you. Dr. Bendor-Samuel or Dr. Boileau will sit down with you and discuss your goals for treatment, listening carefully to your desires and helping you to hone in on your cosmetic priorities. Together, you and your plastic surgeon will arrive at the precise combination of procedures most likely to yield the results you want.

At that point, you and your plastic surgeon will discuss mommy makeover recovery during your consultation at our Halifax, NS office. Whatever combination of procedures your specific mommy makeover plan includes, you should expect to devote a fair amount of time to recovery. The exact amount of time will depend on the scope of your mommy makeover plan.

To find out precisely what your mommy makeover plan will entail, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel or Dr. Louis Boileau at The Landings Surgical Centre today.

Factors to Consider: Mommy Makeover Recovery

The recovery period after a mommy makeover will depend on several factors, including:

In general, patients should expect to take at least two weeks and up to four weeks off work for a mommy makeover.

Most mothers who come into our practice for a mommy makeover consultation have already quit smoking if they ever had smoked. If, however, you are a smoker, it is absolutely crucial that you quit smoking before you undergo your mommy makeover and continue not to smoke at least through your recovery period. Smoking interferes greatly with the healing process and can compromise both your short-term and long-term results. Quitting permanently is highly recommended.

Finally, it is extremely important that patients are willing and able to follow all post-surgical instructions provided to them to the absolute letter, including:

Learn More about Mommy Makeover Recovery

To learn more about mommy makeover recovery, please contact The Landings Surgical Centre today.