The Landings Surgical Centre

Enhance Your Physique with Liposuction of the Flanks

Sep 27, 2016 @ 07:45 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Flabby flanks, commonly called “love handles,” are nearly impossible to get rid of despite diet and exercise, making them a common trouble spot for men and women. When no amount of dieting or exercising can eliminate unwanted fat, liposuction may be able to help. Liposuction can be used to address stubborn fatty areas to reveal a sleek, contoured appearance, and improve confidence. To find out if liposuction of the flanks is right for you, schedule a consultation with Halifax, NS plastic surgeons Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau.

The Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is a surgical procedure often performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning an overnight hospital stay is not required. There are different methods for performing liposuction treatment, and it may be performed under sedation or general anesthesia. Drs. Bendor-Samuel and Boileau generally use ultrasonic liposuction to treat love handles because this technique provides exceptional results.

During ultrasonic liposuction, small incisions are made within the area being treated. A small suction tube, called a cannula, is placed through the incision. The cannula then vibrates at a high frequency to help break up fatty tissues for ease of removal. Excess fat is then suctioned from the flanks until the desired appearance is achieved.

Recovery after Liposuction

Although liposuction is a minor surgical procedure, patients will require some time for recovery. For those who have undergone liposuction of the flanks, some pain, soreness, swelling, and bruising should be expected in the first few days after treatment.

Pain medication is often prescribed to help manage pain during the recovery process. Ice packs can also help naturally relieve pain and reduce swelling. Patients should also wear a compression garment as advised to help reduce swelling and help support the tissue as it heals. Strenuous activity will need to be avoided for about four to six weeks after surgery and should only be resumed upon physician approval.

Patients may begin to see results a week after treatment, however, it can take several months for full results to reveal themselves.

Candidates for Liposuction of the Flanks

Liposuction is suitable for men and women who have had difficulty getting rid of stubborn deposits of fat. Candidates for liposuction of the flanks should have localized fat within the flank area, extending from the hips up to the ribs.

Ideal candidates should be healthy enough to undergo surgery and be free of serious medical conditions, like uncontrolled diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Because liposuction is not intended as a means to achieve drastic weight loss, candidates should be near their ideal weight. The skin should also be firm with sufficient elasticity to produce good results. 

Are You a Candidate for Liposuction of the Flanks?

If you are unhappy with stubborn flanks or other fatty areas, liposuction may be able to help you achieve your desired appearance. Liposuction can even be paired with other plastic surgery procedures to provide a completely enhanced appearance. To find out if you're a candidate for treatment, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Drs. Bendor-Samuel and Boileau.