The Landings Surgical Centre

Reduce Your Risk for Liposuction Dimpling

Oct 22, 2015 @ 12:23 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is a procedure that allows surgeons to extract fat deposits from targeted areas of the body, with the intended result being a more attractive figure and smooth, beautiful curves. We use tumescent or ultrasonic liposuction, depending on which part of the body is being treated. Our goal is to determine the location for liposuction and the best method for treatment prior to beginning the procedure.

You may wonder whether you’ll be one of the liposuction patients who ends up with dimples and uneven skin following treatment. A properly trained surgeon can reduce the potential for post-procedure dimpling. To learn more about liposuction and dimpling, contact our Nova Scotia practice. We can schedule time with a plastic surgeon, so you can have all of your liposuction questions answered by an expert.

Why Dimples Occur

The only dimples most of us want are those that add character to our smile. Dimples from uneven skin and fat deposits beneath the skin are unattractive, whether on the arms, thighs, or tummy. Most dimpling in these areas is due to cellulite, and it occurs on people of all weights and body types. Cellulite is actually herniated fat deposits pressing through fibrous connective tissues. The effect is a pitting or dimpling and nodularity on the skin. Cellulite is more apparent on light skin than dark, and women develop it more often than men.

Dimples that occur after liposuction are usually not cellulite; the fat deposits have been removed. Instead, what appears to be dimples may be small scars where the liposuction instrument was inserted for fat removal. To make the appearance worse, skin that has lost its elasticity will sag and fold, causing unattractive dimples and irregularities in skin tone.

Treatment for Liposuction Dimpling

There are a few different techniques to address liposuction dimpling. Stabilizing your weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine will help with healing and skin tone evenness. Be sure to also remain hydrated and limit your sodium intake. Proper hydration will keep skin from looking dry, puffy, or uneven.

Compression Garments

Some surgeons suggest compression garments be worn following liposuction. These tight medical garments encourage skin to shrink and fit over the new curves of the post-liposuction body shape. Garments are usually worn for many weeks, with results occurring after a few months. Compression garments are only effective if skin responds by shrinking naturally.

Massage and Hydration

Massage increases blood flow to an area and softens fat tissue. Coupled with increased hydration, the increased blood flow helps remove excess, softened tissue to leave the area smoother and more attractive. Some med-spas and massage clinics offer special massage therapy for cosmetic surgery patients, aimed specifically at helping even out the skin and reduce dimpling.  

Laser Skin Treatments

Radiofrequency cosmetic procedures such as Thermage may help reduce the appearance of liposuction dimpling by smoothing the skin from the outside inward. The procedure tightens skin to produce a more youthful appearance.

Surgical Tucks and Lifts

A tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh lift removes excess skin and allows for tightening of the remaining skin, for a smoother, more youthful look.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

If you’re ready to reshape and sculpt your body, talk with one of our licensed, trained, and experienced professional plastic surgeons prior to making any treatment decisions. Plastic surgery, when performed correctly, can result in amazing transformations; but when surgery is not done well, the results can be disastrous. Call us today and schedule a consultation. We’ll evaluate your body type and discuss your expectations, then explain the procedures best suited to meet your needs.