The Landings Surgical Centre

Am I a Good Tummy Tuck Candidate?

Aug 11, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

It seems that no matter how healthy you eat or how many times you hit the gym, nothing can eliminate the stubborn fat or loose skin around your abdomen. Fortunately, at our Nova Scotia practice we offer the highly effective tummy tuck procedure. Candidates for the tummy tuck treatment are typically at or near their ideal weight, yet they are embarrassed by a loose or disproportionate stomach. If this scenarios sounds familiar, call The Landings Surgical Centre today. Our doctors will provide a full consultation to determine if a tummy tuck is right for you.

What to Expect from a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are performed under general anesthesia. After you are sedated, your doctor will create an incision located in the pubic area. The exact length of the incision will depend on how much skin and muscle the doctor needs to remove. You may also require a second incision around your belly button. Whatever the exact location and size of the incisions, your surgeon will carefully conceal them in the natural contours of your body for minimal scarring. Then the doctor will gently lift up the skin and tighten the underlying muscles, removing any excess tissue. He may also use liposuction to eliminate stubborn fat cells. If needed, he will detach your belly button and relocate it higher up on your abdomen. Finally, he will remove excess skin and carefully lay it down over the new contours of your stomach. He will close the incisions with sutures or surgical tape.

Tummy Tucks after Weight Loss and Pregnancy

If you have recently experienced massive weight loss or a pregnancy, you may be an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. Both pregnancy and excess body fat stretch out your skin and abdominal muscles. Even after your baby is born or you have lost the weight, your tissues may have lost elasticity and they may be too damaged to conform tightly to your smaller shape. By removing excess skin and tightening muscle tissue, your surgeon can give you a figure that more accurately reveals your healthy size.

Signs a Tummy Tuck May Be Right for You

Although a tummy tuck can be a great option, the procedure is not suitable for everyone. If you are considering cosmetic surgery, there are certain factors that can help determine your candidacy for this treatment:

Find out If You’re a Tummy Tuck Candidate

To learn more about tummy tucks and to discover if this treatment is right for you, contact The Landings Surgical Centre today