The Landings Surgical Centre

The Breast Reduction Recovery Period

May 11, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery

A reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction surgery, describes the removal of excess fat, skin, and tissue from one or both breasts to reduce their size and improve their form. Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau may recommend a breast reduction if you feel as though your breasts are disproportionately large, or if their size causes you physical discomfort. From our Nova Scotia plastic surgery center, Drs. Boileau and Bendor-Samuel explain breast reduction, and the recovery process that follows, to help you understand what the procedure can do for you.

Recovering from the Surgery

The Benefits of a Breast Reduction

Discuss Your Options by Scheduling a Consultation

If you’re unhappy with your breast size, then our highly-skilled plastic surgeons and caring, compassionate team can help you overcome your discontent. To learn more about breast reductions, or any of our other skin, body, breast, and facial procedures, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau. Our entire team is excited to meet you, and to help you achieve the ultimate, naturally beautiful appearance that you strive for.