The Landings Surgical Centre

Types of Breast Implants

Mar 4, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation can have a lasting impact on your quality of life. Women who have had breast augmentation surgery experience renewed confidence and improved self-esteem. At The Landings Surgical Centre, located in Halifax, we provide quality breast augmentation services to patients from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Plastic surgeons Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau can help you decide which type of breast implant is right for you after a discussion about your specific goals and expectations. In the meantime, here is an overview of the types of breast implants available to patients.

Types of Breast Implants

There are two types of breast implants, saline and silicone. Saline implants have silicone shells filled with a saline solution. The other option is silicone implants, which come in a round or teardrop shape. Silicone breast implants have silicone shells filled with a silicone gel.

Saline Breast Implants vs. Silicone Breast Implants

When it comes to choosing the type of breast implant, many women would like the implants that feel most natural. Silicone gel implants are often said to feel more natural and likely last longer than saline implants. Saline-filled implants may not feel as natural as silicone, and  may not last as long. In the event of a saline implant rupture, the body will absorb the saline solution, which is harmless; the implant will deflate quickly and create asymmetrical breasts. 

Because a leaking silicone-filled implant can go unnoticed (as the silicone gel is designed to retain its shape in the event of a rupture), women with silicone implants should likely be followed every two to three years. At the Landings Surgical Centre we are always happy to reassess our patients even years after the initial procedure. The clients piece of mind is always our concern.

Breast Implant Risks

Regardless of the type of implant you choose, breast implants carry some risks. Prior to your surgery it is important to discuss your specific risks with your surgeon. Here are just a few general risks to be aware of.

Schedule a Consultation

For our patients in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, breast augmentation can be performed to improve the size and shape of your breasts. We welcome you to schedule a consultation at The Landings Surgical Centre.