The Landings Surgical Centre

Ultrasonic Liposuction Procedures

Dec 4, 2012 @ 12:45 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Liposuction Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

Just as life is constantly changing, the field of plastic surgery is ever evolving. These days, a patient can undergo less invasive procedures that radically enhance his or her appearance and elevate his or her confidence. At Landings Surgical Centre, our plastic surgeons are committed to offering procedures that are safe, effective, and flexible. Also, our team is dedicated to adapting cutting-edge techniques into its surgical and non-surgical treatments. For those in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, ultrasonic liposuction is just one of the sophisticated procedures that we offer at our Halifax practice. Ultrasonic liposuction is ideal for patients who want to rid their bodies of pouches, pockets, and bags of bulky, excess fat.

What is Ultrasonic Liposuction?

Ultrasonic assisted liposuction (UAL) is an innovative liposuction technique that assists in the break-up and removal of subcutaneous fat. Our Nova Scotia and New Brunswick plastic surgery patients can choose from internal UAL and external UAL.

Internal UAL: By inserting a thin metal probe into the treatment area, through an incision in the skin, our surgeons can deliver vibratory and thermal ultrasonic waves of energy to fat cells. The energy produced by the metal rod makes suctioning easier by stimulating the dispersion of fat cells.

External UAL: During external UAL, our surgeons strategically place a paddle-shaped instrument directly to the surface of the skin and use hot ultrasonic current to breakdown fat. Excess fatty cells are then suctioned from the treatment area.

For our patients in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, liposuction can be used in conjunction with several other procedures, including body lifting procedures, tummy tuck, gynecomastia surgery, breast reduction, breast lift, and neck rejuvenation. To determine if you are a candidate for ultrasonic liposuction, our experienced surgeons will perform a thorough analysis of your physical condition, examine the desired treatment area, view your medical and family history, and discuss with you all of your cosmetic objectives. We want to help you set realistic expectations for treatment so you will know what to expect before, during, and after your body contouring procedure. Preparing you for surgery will help to alleviate apprehension prior to undergoing surgery and amplify the satisfaction you have with your results.

What You Should Know

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complication. While some risks are more common than others, it has been reported that UAL can cause blood clots in the small blood vessels. Because the liposuction procedure utilizes elevated temperature to stimulate the depletion of fatty tissue, the change in temperature can cause blockages within vessels. Additionally, some patients have experienced nerve damage, which resulted in permanent loss of feeling throughout areas of the body.

The outcome from ultrasonic assisted liposuction is transforming and long-lasting. However, a patient must maintain a healthy weight in order to sustain desirable results. We want you to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. By targeting and removing unwanted fatty cells, that impact the contour of your body, our team can reshape your tissue and skin and augment the natural curvature of your figure.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about ultrasonic liposuction, contact Landings Surgical Centre. Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, our state-of-the-art practice is equipped with the most advanced technology and highly skilled surgeons. Our team offers a wide variety of procedures, all of which can be completely customized to fulfill your cosmetic needs.