The Landings Surgical Centre

Blepharoplasty Recovery: What to Expect

Sep 24, 2022 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are one of the most expressive facial features, so when lines, wrinkles, and bags develop, they can give off the wrong impression. Many people receive comments that they look sad, worn down, or angry, when really they have just developed the normal signs of aging.

Blepharoplasty lifts and tightens the skin along the upper and lower eyelids to restore a refreshed appearance. Blepharoplasty offers promising results, but as a surgical procedure, it requires recovery. Here, the surgeons from The Landings Surgical Centre provide an overview of blepharoplasty recovery so that patients from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island are prepared for what to expect as they heal from treatment.

Blepharoplasty Side Effects

Side effects are an unavoidable part of any surgical recovery. Side effects are the body’s natural response to the trauma of surgery. Although side effects may seem alarming, they are actually a sign that the body is working to heal itself. Fortunately, blepharoplasty is not as invasive as many other plastic surgery procedures, so side effects tend to be pretty minor. The most common side effects of blepharoplasty are:

None of the side effects that develop following blepharoplasty should be too severe. Generally, side effects are strongest in the first few days following blepharoplasty treatment, and then gradually subside from there. Most side effects resolve within a week after treatment, though some degree of inflammation and bruising may persist for two to four weeks, depending on the extent of the blepharoplasty procedure (i.e. whether just the upper or lower lids were treated, or both).

Recovery Tips

We provide each of our Halifax patients with detailed post-surgical care instructions that are intended to promote a smooth and timely blepharoplasty recovery. These instructions should be followed very carefully. In addition, the following tips can make surgical recovery more comfortable for our patients:

How Long Does Blepharoplasty Recovery Last?

Everyone heals at their own rate, so recovery time can vary for each blepharoplasty patient. Typically, people are able to return to work and other routine activities within seven to 10 days after their procedure. If a patient undergoes both upper and lower eyelid surgery, they may require a little more time off (usually 10 to 14 days). After resuming routine activities, patients should continue to avoid more strenuous movements until they have fully healed from their procedure, which may take up to four weeks.

Contact Us

Blepharoplasty addresses common signs of aging around the eyes to restore a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. To learn more about blepharoplasty treatment and the recovery that follows, send us a message online or call (902) 492-2007 and schedule a personal consultation with us.