The Landings Surgical Centre

Ideal Facelift Candidates

Mar 23, 2022 @ 09:44 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Facelift

The face is especially prone to signs of aging. Along with a natural loss of volume and elasticity, exposure to harsh environmental elements can lead to the formation of wrinkles, creases, and saggy skin. Many of these signs of aging can be addressed with a facelift.

A facelift tightens facial muscles and lifts the skin to restore a youthful appearance. The procedure offers promising results, but it is important that the procedure be performed on the right patients. Here, the plastic surgeons at The Landings Surgical Centre, serving the Halifax, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island areas, discuss the traits of an ideal facelift candidate at our plastic surgery practice.

Facelift Candidacy and Age

When people first start to notice signs of aging on the face, they often turn to plastic surgery. It is not unusual for people to plan to have a facelift at the age of 40 or 50. However, age does not actually have a huge effect on facelift candidacy, so there is no reason for individuals to wait until they think they are the right age for this popular plastic surgery procedure. While the average facelift patient is in their mid 40s to early 50s, we consider candidacy based on the degree and type of cosmetic imperfections that are present, much more than a person’s age.

Facelift Candidacy and Signs of Facial Aging

One of the most important aspects to consider when determining facelift candidacy is the type of facial correction that is needed. Many think of a facelift as a cure-all for the signs of aging that commonly affect the face. However, the alterations made during facelift surgery are targeted to specific areas. A facelift addresses signs of aging on the mid to lower face. That means that a facelift does not address lines, wrinkles, or creases around the forehead or eyes, instead, facelift surgery is best-suited to individuals with these concerns:

Facelift Candidacy and General Health

It is always necessary to consider a person’s general health prior to performing a surgical procedure. Although facelift surgery has a proven record of safety and success, any surgery carries a degree of risk. To minimize that risk, a facelift should only be performed on individuals who are in good overall health and who are free of any conditions that could increase the risk of surgical complications. Patients should also be non-smokers, or be willing to quit smoking in the weeks before and after surgery. Finally, the patient should be emotionally prepared for the procedure, and have realistic expectations regarding surgical results.

Contact Us

If you are considering a facelift, a personal consultation is the best way to get your questions answered and find out if this is the right plastic surgery procedure for you. To schedule a consultation at The Landings Surgical Centre, send us a message online or call our plastic surgery practice at (902) 492-2007.