The Landings Surgical Centre

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Apr 23, 2021 @ 03:45 PM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Halifax Nova Scotia The Landings Surgical Centre

Breast augmentation recovery takes time and patience, but the results are well worth the effort. As the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed each year, breast augmentation helps people feel more self-confident, enhancing the shape and contour of a patient’s figure.

To reduce stress and improve your potential for a smooth recovery, you need to know how to prepare for and what to expect during breast augmentation recovery. Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau, plastic surgeons at the Landings Surgical Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia, can answer all of your questions about recovery. Below is a general overview of what to expect after surgery.

Recovery Timeline Following Breast Augmentation

Each patient has a unique experience, and many factors affect how quickly a person recovers. In most cases, full recovery takes about six weeks. If you prioritize rest and follow our post-op instructions, the likelihood of a speedy recovery increases.

First 72 Hours

General anesthesia may leave you feeling groggy and a bit disoriented. Have someone drive you home after the procedure and stay with you overnight. You will be prescribed pain medication to address discomfort in the days ahead.

For the first few nights, expect some discomfort and interrupted sleep. Nausea is also common right after breast augmentation surgery.

Rest, rest, rest! In general, staying hydrated, eating healthy, and wearing a surgical bra at all times will help facilitate a prompt recovery. Leave your bandages in place. We will note the dressing during your first post-op checkup at our office in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Days Five Through Seven

At about one week post-op, you can manage pain and discomfort with over-the-counter NSAIDs, unless your surgeon says otherwise.

Slowly and carefully ease back into your daily routine. Avoid working out, lifting heavy objects, and other strenuous activities. You can take walks, do light housework, and drive at this point, and may be able to return to work depending on the nature of your job.

Weeks Two and Three

Now you can ease into a light exercise routine. Most patients can go back to work by this point, as long as the job does not require physical labor. Intense workouts, heavy lifting, contact sports, and horseback riding should still be avoided.

Tips for a Comfortable, Speedy Recovery

Contact Our Office

If you have questions about breast augmentation procedure, recovery, or results, contact the Landings Surgical Centre online. You can also call our Halifax, Nova Scotia office at (902) 492-2007. Our surgeons look forward to discussing your surgical options in more detail.