The Landings Surgical Centre

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

Nov 2, 2018 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery Recovery

When it comes to enhancing your appearance, rhinoplasty (nose job) is one of the best options to consider. A rhinoplasty can reshape the nose and enhance the overall appearance of your face. Halifax, NS plastic surgeons Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau have achieved excellent results thanks to rhinoplasty, helping so many patients look their very best.

The team at The Landings Surgical Centre would like to consider the recovery process following rhinoplasty. This should give you a good understanding of what to expect once the procedure has been performed.

Taking Time Off Work

A rhinoplasty will result in bruising, swelling, and discomfort of the face. It’s a good idea to take time off from work so these visible side effects can run their course. For most patients, two weeks off from work should suffice. If you have a physically demanding occupation, you may want to take more time off from work just to ensure you do not ruin the final results of surgery.

Returning to work and other activities can be discussed in more detail during your consultation at the practice and as part of the follow-up visit process.

What to Expect Immediately Following Surgery

Immediately after rhinoplasty, patients will experience soreness and discomfort as the local anesthesia wears off. Grogginess and some mild nausea may also occur as the general anesthesia wears off. This is normal. Patients are asked to get rest when they return home, lying down with their back propped up by pillows.

The First Week After Rhinoplasty

During the first week after rhinoplasty, patients will notice soreness and swelling around the nose and eyes. Some mild, minor nose bleeds may occur during this time. The nose will be extremely delicate during the first weeks after surgery, so patients should avoid touching their nose, wearing glasses, and even blowing their nose.

Though rest is essential in this first week to manage side effects, patients should walk around their home a bit to promote circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The Second Week After Rhinoplasty

In the second week after rhinoplasty, patient should notice an improvement of all their side effects, with reduced severity. Patients must take care and continue to avoid strenuous physical activities in this second week. By this time, the patient should have had a follow-up visit with their plastic surgeon to monitor their recovery.

The Third Week After Rhinoplasty

In the third week after rhinoplasty, patients with jobs that are not physically demanding will have returned to work. Patient should continue to avoid rubbing their nose and blowing their nose as the structures of the nose will still be quite delicate.

The Fourth Week After Rhinoplasty

By the end of a month after surgery, patients will be able to return to many of their normal daily activities. Most exercises can be resumed, though patients may be asked to avoid activities that place a great deal of strain on the face. By this point, the patient should have had additional follow-up visits to professional assess the condition of their nose and how the structure of the nose have healed.

Healing in the Months Ahead

In the months ahead, rhinoplasty patients will return to more and more of the activities that they used to do without any afterthought. Minor swelling will have dissipated completely, and patients will be able to swim, wear glasses/sunglasses, and blow their noses again without worry.

Learn More About Rhinoplasty

For more information about rhinoplasty and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, be sure to contact The Landings Surgical Centre. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in greater detail. You can reach our practice by phone at (866) 928-0023.