The Landings Surgical Centre

Breast Augmentation for Asymmetry

Oct 30, 2018 @ 11:34 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Breast asymmetry can be defined as a difference in position, form, or volume of the breasts. Did you know that the majority of women have one breast that is visibly different than the other? In fact, one research study reported that asymmetry occurs in at least 65 percent of women.

In some patients, this condition is quite mild and barely noticeable. In others, it can be a source of self-consciousness. If you wish to correct this condition, you may benefit from breast augmentation for asymmetry at our Halifax, NS practice. Breast augmentation can dramatically enhance the breasts and help you achieve the figure you have always wanted.

What Causes Breast Asymmetry?

Breast asymmetry may occur for any number of reasons. For example, you may develop this condition if you:

How Can I Know if Breast Augmentation Is Right for Me?

If your bra cup size differs by at least one cup size, you may be an excellent candidate for breast augmentation for asymmetry. Women considering this option should be at least 21 years old.

Younger patients may still experience some development that could address the problem on its own. However, by age 21, patients with asymmetrical breasts are not likely to experience any further changes in the breasts.

How Can Breast Augmentation Correct Asymmetrical Breasts?

When correcting asymmetrical breasts, there are a few methods we can utilize, depending on the unique needs of the patient. This procedure may involve:

A breast lift may also be performed during the procedure, especially if the patient is concerned about sagging or drooping breasts. During a consultation at our practice, your doctor can help you determine a treatment plan that works for you.

Will Breast Augmentation for Asymmetry Affect My Ability to Breastfeed?

Many women who pursue breast augmentation are worried that the procedure will prevent them from breastfeeding in the future. The best rule of thumb is to talk to your surgeon before your procedure to identify any associated risks.

Will I Experience Scarring after Undergoing Breast Augmentation?

Any time you undergo surgery, scars are inevitable. However, advanced techniques allow your surgeon to minimize visible scarring with strategic incision placement.

In most cases, the scars will be hidden in the crease of the breast. However, women who opt for a breast lift in conjunction with their augmentation will likely have a scar around the areola.

Contact The Landings Surgical Centre

If you are dissatisfied with the symmetry of your breasts, then breast augmentation could be the solution for you. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation at our practice, contact us online or call our office at (902) 492-2007.