The Landings Surgical Centre

Static vs. Dynamic Wrinkles

May 18, 2018 @ 07:40 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Botox Dermal Fillers

Most people experience dread when they see the first wrinkles appear on their face. Deep wrinkles or excessive wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, nose, and mouth can age people beyond their years. Wrinkles also tend to detract from a person’s natural beauty.

Facial plastic surgery smooths the skin to minimize signs of wrinkles and accentuate facial features. However, not all wrinkles are the same. It is important to understand what types of wrinkles are present so that they can be appropriately treated.

At The Landings Surgical Center, we discuss the differences between static vs. dynamic wrinkles. Contact our Halifax, Nova Scotia practice to find out which treatment is best for you.

What Are Dynamic Wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles are the lines and creases that appear when a person is making a facial expression. Dynamic wrinkles show when a person is smiling, laughing, crying, or expressing emotions such as surprise and anger.

Since dynamic wrinkles are caused by the facial muscles responsible for making expressions, they may go away when the face is relaxed or resting. However, with time, dynamic wrinkles become permanent.

Treating Dynamic Wrinkles

While many patients do not want their expressive movements to be completely restricted, most would like to reduce the wrinkles that appear when they are making facial expressions. The best treatment for dynamic wrinkles is BOTOX® Cosmetic.

BOTOX® Cosmetic temporarily paralyzes targeted facial muscles to prevent the formation of wrinkles. The experienced plastic surgeons at our practice can use BOTOX® Cosmetic injections to treat dynamic wrinkles without completely eliminating facial movements.

What Are Static Wrinkles?

Static wrinkles are lines and creases that are present even when all facial muscles are completely relaxed. Rather than being caused by expressive movements, static wrinkles are a result of aging, a declined production of collagen, and a loss of skin elasticity.

Static wrinkles may be present around the forehead, cheeks, mouth, and neck. Static wrinkles are frustrating because they tend to make a person look older. While static wrinkles deepen with age, they can show up as early as a person’s 20s or 30s.

Treating Static Wrinkles

Since static wrinkles are not caused by muscle movement, these lines and creases do not respond as well to BOTOX® Cosmetic injections. Instead, patients with static wrinkles are better suited to injectable fillers that can plump up the skin and smooth out lines, wrinkles, and creases.

Alternatively, patients with static wrinkles can undergo facial plastic surgery to eliminate excess tissues and re-drape the skin for smoother, firmer facial features. Our plastic surgeons can discuss each of these options in further detail with our patients and help them choose a treatment that is most likely to give them the results they desire.

Contact Us

Whether you are experiencing dynamic wrinkles or static wrinkles, there are treatments at The Landings Surgical Centre that can give you the smooth, firm skin you desire. To learn more about the cosmetic services offered by our experienced plastic surgeons, contact us at your earliest convenience.