The Landings Surgical Centre

Shopping List before Plastic Surgery

Dec 25, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Body Contouring Plastic Surgery

If you have chosen to undergo facial plastic surgery or body contouring to improve your appearance, you are probably excited about your upcoming procedure. Being prepared for surgery can help you enjoy a safe and successful recovery.

At Landings Surgical Center in Halifax, NS, our surgeons have provided a set of pre-operative guidelines, including what to put on your shopping list before plastic surgery. When your procedure is complete, the last thing you should have to worry about is going to the store. By acquiring all necessary items before your surgery date, you can go home, relax, and enjoy a comfortable recovery.

What Should I Include On My Grocery List?

Following cosmetic surgery, it is a good idea to stock your pantry with the proper foods. Most patients find a bland diet is ideal to keep the stomach calm. Because you need to rest as much as possible, we also recommend buying food items that are easy to prepare. Additionally, low-sodium foods are helpful for alleviating post-treatment swelling.

Many of our patients make, package, and freeze bulk amounts of food in the days leading up to surgery. This way, they can simply reheat a portion for every meal. A few popular choices are chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, vegetables, and lean meats. By preparing these meals at home, you can avoid the excessive sodium present in processed foods.

A few other recommendations for your grocery list include:

It is also important to stock up on common household items. These may include toilet paper, hand soap, and paper towels.

What about Pharmacy Supplies?

During your consultation, your doctor will give you detailed instructions regarding aftercare and prescription medications. It is a good idea to go ahead and pick these items up ahead of time.

Some of the most common items include:

Catch Up on Entertainment

Life is busy. Use your recovery time to catch up on a television series, read a good book, or play video games. Do anything you can to occupy your mind and keep yourself entertained while you are healing.

Be sure to make a list of these entertainments items in the weeks leading up to your procedure. A little rest and relaxation can go a long way while your body goes through the healing process. Setting aside some time for the things you love may actually help you look forward to your recovery.

A Few Considerations

When you are shopping for these items, consider how long your healing will take. Depending on the type of surgery you are having, you may need to prepare for a recovery that lasts several weeks. Be sure to ask your surgeon so you know exactly what to expect.

Contact Our Office to Learn More

If you are preparing for your cosmetic surgery procedure and you have questions about what to include on your pre-operative shopping list, reach out to one of our team members. As always, we are here to answer your questions and help you enjoy a smooth treatment process. You can call us at (866) 928-0023 or contact us online anytime.