The Landings Surgical Centre

Are You a Good Candidate for Body Lift Surgery?

Oct 25, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Body Lift Plastic Surgery

When a person gains a significant amount of weight, his or her skin stretches. While massive weight loss is admirable in itself, and it offers substantial health benefits too numerous to name, the aesthetic effects can be unfortunate. The skin isn’t always able to conform to the body’s new contours after massive weight loss. This can be highly frustrating to those who have lost weight, whether through diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery, only to find themselves faced with loose, sagging skin. Fortunately, plastic surgery offers a potentially ideal solution in the form of body lift surgery.

Body lift surgery can address lax, excess skin that lingers after massive weight loss in multiple areas of the body, including the abdomen, the thighs, the arms, the hips, and the flanks. The aesthetic benefits of body lift surgery may be self-evident, but the procedure can also make exercising and hygiene much easier, thereby improving the patient’s overall quality of life significantly. Most patients who have lost massive amounts of weight are good candidates for body lift surgery. Drs. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau carefully evaluate body lift candidates at their Halifax, NS plastic surgery practice to ensure that they can safely undergo the procedure and that they will fully benefit from all that it has to offer.

Are you a good candidate for body lift surgery? To find out, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Bendor-Samuel or Dr. Boileau at The Landings Surgical Centre today.

Candidacy for Body Lift Surgery

The typical candidate for body lift surgery will have recently lost a massive amount of weight, whether through a combination of diet and exercise or through bariatric surgery. Other candidates for body lift surgery might include women who have had multiple pregnancies and people who have experienced several dramatic fluctuations in weight.

You may be a good candidate for body lift surgery if you have loose, hanging skin on multiple parts of your body, including:

You may also have isolated deposits of fat that have proven to be resistant to diet and exercise, despite your best attempts, in these or other regions. Body lift surgery is often accompanied by liposuction to achieve the best possible results.

In order to be considered a suitable candidate for body lift surgery, you must:

Learn More about Candidacy for Body Lift Surgery

To find out whether you are a good candidate for body lift surgery, please contact The Landings Surgical Centre today.