The Landings Surgical Centre

Lifestyle Changes Patients Should Consider before Plastic Surgery

Jul 26, 2016 @ 06:27 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

At The Landings Surgical Centre, Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel and Dr. Louis Boileau proudly provide patients with cosmetic breast surgery, body contouring, and facial plastic surgery of the most surpassing standard. From the initial consultation to aftercare, they invest the full measure of their professional skills and talents into every procedure they perform, putting nothing above the comfort, safety, and overall satisfaction of their valued patients. They do everything within their power to ensure the best possible results.

It is important to note, however, that the ultimate quality of a patient’s results is not entirely dependent on the skill and experience of our plastic surgeons. As a patient, you will bear some of the responsibility for your own results. In order to ensure the best outcome possible from your surgery, it is important that you follow all of our surgeons’ instructions, both pre-surgical and post-surgical, to the absolution letter. Depending on your current lifestyle habits, you may have to make some serious changes in order to promote proper and timely healing from surgery and to achieve the results you desire.

Dr. Bendor-Samuel or Dr. Boileau will discuss lifestyle changes you should make before plastic surgery during your initial consultation at their Halifax, NS plastic surgery centre. In general, it is easier to make any necessary changes to your lifestyle in the weeks leading up to plastic surgery so that you don’t have to cope with having to make them while you are trying to recover from your procedure. Of course, this depends wholly on how many of the following lifestyle changes apply to you.

What Lifestyle Changes Must Patients Make Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery?

Before undergoing plastic surgery, patients must be willing to make the following lifestyle changes to ensure proper healing and the best possible results:

Learn More about Lifestyle Changes before Plastic Surgery

To learn more about lifestyle changes you should make before plastic surgery, please contact The Landings Surgical Centre today.