The Landings Surgical Centre

Cosmetic Treatments to Slim and Tone the Arms

Apr 23, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Body Contouring Plastic Surgery

The upper arms are a common area of concern for many patients. Most people remember, at some point in their lives, seeing an elderly woman raise her arm in the air to wave her hand, and seeing the entire underside of her arm wave right along with it. Unfortunately, excess fat and skin do tend to collect around the upper arms, and when this is combined with a loss of skin elasticity, the effects can be quite dramatic. Body contouring treatments can slim and tighten body parts, such as the arms, to give patients the more toned appearance they desire. At The Landings Surgical Centre, we offer two cosmetic treatments for the arms that allow our Halifax, NS patients to wear short sleeves, tank tops, or strapless dresses with confidence, knowing that their arms will look just as trim as they desire.


Liposuction is a cosmetic treatment that targets localized fat deposits in order to help patients remove these unwanted tissues from the body. The upper arms are just one of the many areas of the body that can be treated with liposuction. On its own, liposuction can give the arms a more slender appearance. For those who do not have a great deal of excess skin, and those who still have good skin elasticity, the skin should conform to the new body contours to give patients arms that are smaller and, overall, more toned. To make the liposuction procedure and its recovery more efficient, we use the Vaser® ultrasonic liposuction method at our practice. This technique uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy fat deposits so that they can be easily removed from the body. This is a gentler technique that results in less bruising and a faster recovery time. While many patients can get the results they want from liposuction treatment, it is also often combined with other body contouring treatments. In the case of the arms, liposuction can be especially effective when performed alongside an arm lift.

Arm Lift

An arm lift is the best cosmetic treatment option for patients with poor skin elasticity, or those who have excess skin on the upper arms. For these patients, simply removing excess fat through a liposuction treatment may not be enough, as it is unlikely that the excess skin will conform and tighten to accommodate the new shape of the arms. An arm lift procedure can address excess skin. During this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision along the inner side of the upper arm. This incision will allow our doctors to remove skin and fatty tissue so that the skin of the upper arms can be tightened and re-draped. The incision will then be closed and patients will benefit from arms that are slimmer and more toned. For maximum results, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with an arm lift.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your arms and lack the confidence to show them off in a sleeveless top, cosmetic treatment can help. At The Landings Surgical Centre, we offer the cosmetic treatments that will give you the slim, toned arms you desire. To learn more, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced plastic surgeons at your earliest convenience.