The Landings Surgical Centre

Are You a Candidate for Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Feb 23, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

Drooping, sagging upper eyelids can make us look tired and older than we feel. Eyelid surgery can help reduce the appearance of droopy eyelids, making patients looked refreshed and vibrant. Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids. Many patients choose to undergo upper eyelid surgery because it creates a rejuvenated, bright-eyed appearance. Plastic surgeons Richard Bendor-Samuel and Louis Boileau are happy to discuss the desired results and needs of each patient to determine if they are suitable upper eyelid surgery candidates. Contact our Halifax, NS practice to find out if this treatment is right for you.

The Upper Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Upper eyelid surgery is used to remove excess skin and fatty tissue, which can make the eyelids look droopy. Upper eyelid surgery is performed by making a small incision within the natural creases of the upper eyelid. Incisions are placed within these creases to help hide scarring and produce natural looking results. Once the incisions are made, excess skin and fat is removed, and the skin is tightened for a rejuvenated appearance. Next, the incisions are sutured closed, completing the surgery.

After surgery, patients will require time to heal, as a full recovery will take several weeks. During the initial stages of recovery, patients can expect some swelling and redness around the incision sites. Some patients may experience eye dryness or the eyes may tear excessively and vision may be temporarily blurred. Patients should avoid strenuous activities during recovery. However, many patients are well enough to return to work about a week to ten days after surgery.

Candidates for Upper Eyelid Surgery

Although many men and women are excellent candidates for upper eyelid surgery, it is not suitable for all patients. Patients with certain eye conditions, like glaucoma or detached retinas, should not undergo upper eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery is also generally not suitable for patients with chronic eye dryness. Patients with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular disease are also not good candidates for upper eyelid surgery.

Candidates for upper eyelid surgery should be in good general health, free from certain eye conditions, and have healthy facial tissue and muscles. Candidates should also have realistic expectations and a healthy understanding of plastic surgery. Those who meet these criteria and identify with one or more of the following issues are generally suitable candidates for upper eyelid surgery:

Is Upper Eyelid Surgery Right for You?

Upper eyelid surgery can reverse the signs of aging and rejuvenate the face. For more information about upper eyelid surgery, or to discuss which treatment options are right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with our team at the Landings Surgical Centre.