The Landings Surgical Centre

Ideal Breast Reduction Candidates

Jul 23, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, breast surgery is one of the most requested treatments. While the most popular breast surgery procedure is designed to add volume to the bust line, some women wish to reduce the size of their breasts. Breast reduction surgery can eliminate excessive tissue and fat from the breasts to give patients more aesthetically pleasing proportions. Breast reduction candidates at our Nova Scotia practice can undergo the appropriate breast reduction technique, which will alleviate the physical and emotional discomfort that is often associated with overly large breasts.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Many women have breasts that are simply too large for their body frame. These overly large breasts can be a source of emotional distress and physical discomfort. In addition, women with large breasts often get unwanted attention, and have difficulty finding clothes that fit properly. Patients who have experienced any of the following may be good candidates for breast reduction surgery:

Patients who have experienced any or all of the above are potential candidates for breast reduction surgery. These patients also need to be healthy enough to undergo a surgical procedure, have a thorough understanding of breast reduction surgery, and have reasonable expectations for post-surgical results. In addition, patients should not smoke, or be willing to quit smoking for a period of time before and after surgery. Our doctors are happy to consult patients and discuss their needs and desires to determine if they are ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery.

The Procedure

For patients who are good breast reduction candidates, there are a few techniques that may be considered by our doctors. For some patients, liposuction alone may be enough to reduce the size of the breasts and achieve improved proportions. However, in most cases, the skin envelope will also need to be tightened. In these cases, an incision will be made around the areola, possibly extending down the breast and along the inframammary crease. We can then remove tissue and fat, reposition the nipple, and tighten the skin. This will improve the size, shape, and position of the breasts to give patients an attractive and proportionate bust line.

Schedule a Consultation

If overly large and dense breasts are causing emotional and physical discomfort, a breast reduction procedure may be just what you need to improve your breast size and body proportions. Schedule a consultation with one of our skilled and experienced doctors at your earliest convenience to find out if breast reduction surgery is right for you. We look forward to hearing from you.