The Landings Surgical Centre

A Breast Lift Can Enhance Your Body after Pregnancy

Jun 11, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by The Landings Surgical Centre
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

They say a baby changes everything, and it’s certainly true. However, while you may have expected changes in your body during your pregnancy, you may not have anticipated permanent changes following the birth of your baby. Fortunately, at our Nova Scotia plastic surgery practice, we offer an advanced breast lift procedure that can greatly enhance your appearance after pregnancy. While your life may never be the same after the birth of your baby, there’s no reason your figure shouldn’t look as perky and youthful as it did before.

How Pregnancy Affects Your Breasts

During pregnancy, your body ramps up its production of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that stimulate milk production. These hormones, combined with the actual volume of milk, can make your breasts several bra sizes bigger. This may make you feel great during your pregnancy and the time you are breast feeding. However, when your baby moves to solid foods, your breasts will typically return to their normal size. The skin, on the other hand, has been permanently stretched. This can leave you with sagging breasts and a corresponding drop in self-confidence. It may also stretch out your areolas, making them disproportionately large or irregularly shaped.

Alternatively, you may suffer from pseudoptosis following your pregnancy. This condition causes your breasts to shrink, so that they look deflated and the nipples sit right above the breast crease. In this case, a breast lift will not be in your best interests, but you could greatly benefit breast implants.

How a Breast Lift Works

During a breast lift, which is performed under IV or general anesthesia, your doctor will create one of three incision patterns:

Through these incisions, your plastic surgeon will lift the underlying tissue, removing any extra skin or fat deposits if necessary. Then, he will move the nipples and areola up higher on your breasts. In virtually all cases, he can keep the underlying nerves intact so you will retain sensation in these areas. If needed, he will also remove skin from around the perimeter of your areolas. Finally, he will remove any excess skin before carefully closing up the incisions to ensure minimal visible scarring.

Benefits of Breast Lifts after Pregnancy

If you are dismayed by the appearance of your breasts after your pregnancy, there are a number of reasons to consider a breast lift. The benefits include:

Find Out If a Breast Lift Is Right for You

As a mom, you’ve already sacrificed a lot to bring your little one into the world. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your healthy body and self-confidence, as well. Contact The Landings Surgical Center today to find out more about breasts lifts and to learn if this procedure is right for you.